Donkey Kong Country is a video game developed by Rare (formerly Rareware) for the SNES on 1994.
The game is side-scrolling game or a platformer in which you control your hero character on the screen that scrolls either left or right, or both.
In this game, you control Donkey Kong as the main character. You can get his buddy Diddy Kong later from a DK Barrel, by then, you would be able to switch characters. Each character has their own unique abilities and features. You have to guide your characters through levels across Donkey Kong island while collecting powerups including bananas, barrels, Kong letters, and animal tokens. Every world has a huge boss at the end so be prepared for a challenge.
Table of Contents
The Kongs
Movement and Kontrols
Advance Kontrol Tactics
The Animal Buddies
-DKC World Map
-Kongo Jungle
-Jungle Hijinx
-Ropey Rampage
-Reptile Rumble
-Coral Capers
-Barrel Cannon Canyon
-Very Gnawty's Lair
-Monkey Mines
-Winky's Walkway
-Mine Cart Carnage
-Bouncy Bonanza
-Stop & Go Station
-Millstone Mayhem
-Necky's Nuts
-Vine Valley
-Vulture Culture
-Tree Top Town
-Forest Frenzy
-Temple Tempest
-Orang-utan Gang
-Clam City
-Bumble B Rumble
-Gorilla Glacier
-Snow Barrel Blast
-Slipslide Ride
-Ice Age Alley
-Croctopus Chase
-Torchlight Trouble
-Rope Bridge Rumble
-Really Gnawty Rampage
-Kremkroc Industries Inc.
-Oil Drum Alley
-Trick Track Trek
-Elevator Antics
-Poison Pond
-Mine Cart Madness
-Blackout Basement
-Boss Dumb Drum
-Chimp Caverns
-Tanked Up Trouble
-Manic Mincers
-Misty Mine
-Loopy Lights
-Platform Perils
-Necky's Revenge
-Gang-Plank Galleon
The Bonus Rooms
The Kremlings List
The Bosses
DKC Cheats, Secrets, and Codes
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