Enemies: Very Gnawty
Bonus Rooms: 0
Animal Buddies: None
Difficulty: Very Easy

The enemy on this stage is very easy. Very Gnawty is undoubtedly the easiest boss in Donkey Kong Country. Your reward in this match is a king-sized banana with a Nintendo brand on it.
Very Gnawty is a huge Gnawty that hops around to attack. Huge he may be, but he's not really difficult to defeat. However, know that his enormous size makes him impervious to the Roll/Cartwheel, and Hand Slap attacks. The only way to beat him is to bounce on his head. So bounce on him. He will laugh at you, and start hopping again, but know that it's actually working. Give a pause between hits like letting him hop once before bouncing on again because after you hit his weak spot, he will be invincible for a brief period of time. Note that everytime you hit him on the head, he will jump longer so prepare yourself to dodge his attack, then go with the same attack. Keep repeating this pattern to knock him senseless. Piece of cake!